
The Sold tab contains a comprehensive list of all the items that have been sold, whether manually marked as Is Sold: TRUE or automatically recorded through sale emails.

The left side of the Sold sheet displays the sold item, while the right side lists the corresponding matched purchase, if any. This allows you to have a clear view of which items have been sold, as well as the matching purchases associated with them.

The left side of the sheet lists the sold item. leftside

The right side of the sheet lists the matched purchase (if any). rightside

Undo Sale (Unsold In House)

If you need to reverse a sale and move an item back to your Unsold In House tab, simply type TRUE under the Undo Sale (Unsold In House) column. This will automatically move the item back to the Unsold In House tab.

Undo Sale (Unsold Consigned)

For consigned items that have been sold, you can use the Undo Sale (Unsold Consigned) column to move them out of the Sold tab and back to the Unsold Consigned tab by typing TRUE.